Performance Music
Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students may choose to participate in Band, Choir, or Orchestra. These ensembles perform three required concerts per school year, and students also have solo and small ensemble opportunities as well. Motivated students may choose to perform in two different musical groups. Students will receive grades for each Performance Music class.
Most Sycamore students start on their band instruments in fifth grade. At the middle school, we have grade level bands that meet daily, and all students have a regular group lesson.
The purpose of the Sycamore Middle School Choral Program is to nurture, foster, and develop learning through choral performance. With that in mind, membership in choir is open to any student in grades six, seven, or eight with a desire to be a part of a performance ensemble and to learn about music. Students in choir will sing in school concerts throughout the year, and additional performing opportunities (festivals, competitions, and honor choirs) are offered through the Choral Department as well.
Sycamore Community School District is proud to offer orchestra to students in grades four through twelve. Learning to play an instrument and belonging to the school orchestra is a wonderful opportunity! Middle school students participate in three concerts each year in addition to Solo & Ensemble contest. In addition to music, students learn self-discipline, group cooperation, problem solving, goal setting, self expression, memory skills, concentration, poise, enhanced physical coordination, high self-esteem, and the importance of team work – skills in great demand for almost every aspect of life.